A perpetual optimist griping 'bout a pessimistic society...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Paintball = Painball

I went for a paintball game a few weeks back. Finally received the photos yesterday. That's me in the red circle.

When Chris' friend "jio" us to play Skirmish, my first thought was: "What the freak is Skirmish??" Apparently that's what they call it here...Skirmish = Paintball game.

Initially I was not thrilled by the idea...it's such a guy thing. Rolling around in dirt, running with a gun (fake one of cause), mock warfare and getting all sweaty and dirty. But since Chris was so excited by it and he told me it will be cool to meet more people...I thought what the heck...so there I was.

The day arrive and we have to wake up at an ungodly hour (4am) to catch a coach to Echucca...The Bush. It's a 3 hour drive from Melbourne and rather dry and windy. On the coach they played "Black Hawk Down" to get us into the mood of killing someone....haha...nervous.

The location was a big range with over 12 playing fields. All the fields were designed to simulate army training grounds...we have tires and wrecked up cars as covers...ruined brick barracks, trees, bushes and moulds of hills to scale or prone in. After gearing up and being briefed on the rules of the game, we were brought to the playing field and given certain time limits to play each field.

I soon got into the mood of the game and end up enjoying myself. I guess my NPCC training came back to me and the tomboy in me took over. I rolled and prone in the dirt... run and take cover... even stalk my "enemies" and manage to "kill" a few...hehehe. I was a better shooter than I realised.

The day ended with bbq burgers and boy were we hungry. We gulped down our food like it was the most delicious cuisine in the world. Everything wrapped up at 4pm and after returning our gears we huddle back up the coach and head home. By the time we reached Melbourne, it was close to 7pm.

I couldn't wait to hit the sack. It was a very tiring day and my whole body was aching... the next day and for the whole week after I felt the full impact of my rusty body. Paintball? More like pain to me...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Wednesday, August 09, 2006 2:40:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:38:00 pm


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