A perpetual optimist griping 'bout a pessimistic society...

Friday, August 19, 2005

5 Days in Hong Kong

How to Describe Hong Kong? Hm....

Everywhere you go there are people...in almost every nooks and crannies.

Its road signs and posters and advertisements on the road are probably much much more than S'pore's. Which is probably why some of them are huge and towering. To get your attention, road signs and numbers have to be even bigger.

The buildings are so close to each other and they look like they have never been washed since the day they were built. If one building should collapse, you can imagine a domino effect...

One of the main attraction is food. Hong Kong have lots of small eateries mostly selling noodle. noodles, noodles, noodles... can hardly find any eateries selling rice. Why? I asked my HK friend. She told me noodle are cheaper to prepare and less of a hassle. HongKongers love to eat noodle. They can even have it for breakfast! Breakfast fare is cheap and delicious... set meal consist of: 2 slice of toast, 2 egg omelette, ham, noodles and coffee... cost HK$28. Which is about only S$6!

Eat anywhere and everywhere we go. Only complain was no hawker centres! You cannot try different kinds of food in one place. Have to go to different eateries to try different types of food.

Another attraction is shopping. Can get lots of cheap goods. Depending on preference of shopping districts. I like the pasar malam style...can get good bargains and imitation goods. Been to Temple Street, Women's Market. Garden Street and Causeway Bay. Shop till I drop...

But when it comes to shopping, none has yet to beat Bangkok. To me, BK is the ultimate heaven for shoppers. you can get almost anything and everything there. Most of HK's goods are pretty much duplicated over here... just that you can get them at a cheaper rate. Whereas in BK, they have what we have and much much more...

HongKongers have weird cultures. They have roadside fortune reading, Tarot, Bazi, Astrology, Fengshui etc. They also have roadside karaoke! A group of musician playing the chinese instruments live while you sing to the score you've picked. No latest songs though... all are the chinese opera type.

I went to catch a movie... I was curious how the daily leisure activities of HongKongers are like compared to Singapore's. Although the start of the movie they show the same messages like turn off your mobile, no talking blah blah blah... but HongKongers seldom bother to observe such rules. During the movie, I can hear mobiles ringing, people talking loudly like it's their own house. Kinda irritating but hey, at least I find out for myself first hand what it's like right?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


The other day my niece, Sheryl, came up to me with a bunch of questions.

She wanted to know the chinese zodiac signs and which one each of our family members belonged to. Incidentally, she's 8 years old and her concept of vocabulary is pretty much untainted by our adult slang.

So as I was going through with her the zodiacs, she asked me the male and female names of each animal. I told her her mother's zodiac is a hen since she's female (avoiding the embarrassing reference to the male version). Her father's a horse blah blah blah....

Finally came to my sister's zodiac which is a dog... and my dear niece said out loud she knew that...

"Aunt's a BITCH!" she exclaimed happily.


I hope she doesn't repeat it to anybody else, especially her aunt....