A perpetual optimist griping 'bout a pessimistic society...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Poison Ivy

As if coming to a new country is not enough of a challenge, life has to throw me another curve ball. I have the unfortunate arse luck of staying under the same roof with an ultra paranoid, selfish, petty bitch. And she happened to be the wife of my father-in-law.

She relish in the fact that she is making my life miserable. Sometimes I cannot believe that such a person exist. I thought this kind of character can only be seen on some HongKong or Taiwanese drama. In fact, I think she should audition for those parts because her acting skills are simply superb... can win the Oscar Award.

I am a person who used to believe that there is no right or wrong, good or bad person. There's just difference in opinions and point of views. However, this woman is proving me wrong... pure evil does exist. She is a gold digging opportunist and a scheming bitch.

Here are the things she did:
1) Wrapping every single items in the house with either old bedsheet, plastic films, aluminum foil or newspaper....including covering the entire carpet with paper and masking tape.
2) Turning off the lights on purpose when she knows you are working in the room.
3) Stomping around to show she is not happy.
4) Slamming doors and stuffs to show she is not happy.
5) No one except her precious son (she's a divorcee) can use the laundry dryer.
6) No one except her precious son can cook in her kitchen.
7) Throwing away my stuffs and leaving it in the trash so that I can see.
8) Hanging up on anybody that calls me without so much as a word.
9) Bad mouthing me behind my back whenever she can.
10)Call me names and accuse me of things that I never do.
The list goes on...

It's just so draining to face such bullying every day. I asked myself what have I done to deserve this? Is this some karma thing? Is God trying to teach me a lesson? How much more can I take?

I am very sure that if I tell people the details of things that she did, they will question me as well. They will wonder if I provoked her in anyway or was I rude to her or did I do anything to make it go so wrong in the first place.

Well, I ask myself the same questions too... words fail to describe the injustice of all these.

The lesson I've learn from so far: Shit Happens